Thursday, February 12, 2009

How to Stay Positive at Work

There’s a reason why it’s called a depressed economy. No one enjoys job insecurity or financial crises. Whether you’re frantic about getting fired, bumming out at your 9-5, or working in a doom-and-gloom atmosphere, make sure you follow this advice to do your best and keep spirits up on the job.

Become indispensable.When downsizing poses a threat to your department, passivity can be killer while action is critical. Take this as your opportunity to shine, suggests Adele Sheele, career coach and author of Skills for Success. “In bad times, instead of wallowing, start contributing and see what’s needed,” says Sheele. Organizing task forces, taking on responsibility, and volunteering to head projects shows enthusiasm to your boss (not to mention inspires coworkers to match your gung-ho attitude). A tip from Cathie Black, president of Hearst Magazines: Become more valuable by expanding your skill set to include things that aren’t necessarily part of your job description. Learn new computer programs, or find out what tasks your superiors are responsible for that are unfamiliar to you.

Boost morale. “In the office, negative talk can lead to a downward spiral, which becomes contagious to others around you,” explains Julie Jansen, a career counselor and author of I Don’t Know What I Want, but I Know It’s Not This. Lifting the cloud over your cube can be as simple as saying, “Hey guys, what can we talk about that’s upbeat?” Something that seems little — telling a story or a joke, or asking about other people — can go a long way and change the feeling in the office for the rest of the day.

Come together. “In down times, companies tend to put their employees’ noses to the grindstone even more,” says Jansen. “Encourage social activities like pizza parties or happy hours,” she suggests, as a way to combat pressure and encourage fun. But, don’t think that just because there’s an economic crisis you should stop reaching out once it’s over. “One of the things we saw in 9/11 was strangers coming together to help each other. We don’t need disasters to be better people. You should always be trying to do your best,” Sheele warns.

Do damage control before you need to. Truly worried about the economy having a negative effect on your career? “Now’s not the time to panic or hide from potential insecurities,” advises Jansen. “You should always be networking and have an updated résumé.” In the meantime, think about what you can do to help your boss keep her job. If her position is stable, she’ll be more likely to make sure yours is, too.

The good news. The unemployment rate is still relatively low at 6.1 percent. So while the economy may cause you anxiety, your job is probably safe. Nevertheless, getting your ducks in line, being proactive, and having a plan should make you feel more in control of your professional life and give you some relief. You might even crack a smile.


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