Saturday, March 21, 2009

What to do in a style emergency at work

If your workplace calls for you to look polished and preened all day long, a style emergency isn't what you want to suddenly have on your hands. But don't fear  whatever the situation, it can be easily solved in a matter of minutes.

Style emergency: You have a run in your stockings.
Solution: If the run is in an inconspicuous spot, stop it in its tracks by putting clear nail polish around the hole. If the run is in a noticeable area, lose the stockings altogether nothing can save them, and bare legs will look better than pantyhose with gaps.

Style emergency: You've got make-up on your collar.
Solution: Use baby wipes to blot the area until it's clean. Baby wipes (or make-up wipes) are also great for freshening up your skin on hot days, or even to wipe over shoes that have become dirty on rainy days.

Style emergency: You got oil/butter on your shirt just as you're about to rush out the door.
Solution: Don't, and we repeat don't put water anywhere near the stain. Instead, remove the garment, cover with talcum powder and then kitchen paper, and sit something heavy (such as a thick book) on top. Leave for a few minutes before tapping off the powder to reveal grease-free clothing.

Style emergency: Your hem has come down.
Solution: Three words: double-sided tape. Use it to temporarily mend stitching that's come undone, stop a blouse from gaping or keep tops with thin straps from slipping off your shoulders. Strips of Hollywood tape should be in your handbag at all times!

Style emergency: Your hair's gone flat and lifeless.
Solution: Whether you've got this hair problem, or any other one, there is a solution. All that's needed to make hair look full and voluminous is to hang your head upside down under the hand drier for 30 seconds, and to use a fine-toothed comb to tease the area around the crown. Voila hair with volume and bounce.

Style emergency: Your teeth are yellow from lunch, and you have a presentation in five minutes.
Solution: Keep mini teeth whiteners in your handbag. They're great at quickly cleaning your teeth (no toothbrush required) and giving you minty breath at the same time.

Style emergency: You have to go to an after-work event, and there's no time to go home and change.
Solution: Always be prepared by keeping a few style must-haves in your desk drawer: a bright lipstick and black eyeliner to take your look from day to night; a fancy brooch that can add instant glam to a work shirt; sparkly earrings to dress up your look and a comb, clip or ribbon to add interest to your hair. 


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